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September 20, 2011


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debbie ann

I'm impressed you got through it - but worried - is it better now? what caused the numbing.

Nate @ House of Annie

Lovely, lovely photos and wonderful story, Dave!

You make me want to go to Ipoh all over again.

As long as I don't have to go through all that back pain in order to do it.


Cool, St Michael Instituition, my alma mater. Ipoh remains dear in my heart. Thank you for taking some great pics of this place.

Ross Duncan

Nice story Dave, my heart goes out to you, I work with a number of photographers who suffer from the same issue, once you get the "other side" of 30, it's all downhill :)
Have you invested in a trolley for your gear?, it might give the back a break for a while.
Look after yourself.


Thanks, folks!

Debbie Ann - I found out after several MRI's that it was a ruptured disk. Not 100% yet but close enough.I switched to a backpack for my gear and took to the swimming pool. Both seemed to help.

Nate - Let's hope it's not a requirement. I plan to go back but don't want a repeat.

Wai - Ipoh is a gem. Great people (I'll be posting some portraits soon) and great food. St. Michael's is such a lovely building, too.


Thanks, Ross! Appreciate the kind words. When I was having my 'issues' I knew of 4 other photogs in similar or worse states. Occupational hazard? Yes, I have a trolley but it needs to stay back in the hotel when I'm doing location work. The backpack has helped a lot, though.


Hello, Dave! I'm a Malaysian writer, a longtime reader of EatingAsia, and a Facebook friend of Robyn's. I love your work, and am therefore THRILLED that you did this feature on Ipoh -- my childhood home and the one place on earth that still holds my heart. I no longer live in Malaysia, and I've lived and travelled all over the world, but no other place haunts me like Ipoh does. Saveur isn't available in France, where I live now, but I'm going to do whatever I can to get a copy. Thank you for putting so much effort into this feature while you were in such terrible pain! I hope you're feeling much better now.

Oh, and by the way, Shaik Acandeen of C.T. Cendol is the uncle of a primary schoolmate/childhood friend of mine! Ipoh is a small world indeed.


Hi Preeta - Thanks so much. Ipoh is a real treasure so I was more than a little excited to have been given this assignment. When we first came to Malaysia I remember people in KL telling us that they would regularly drive the 2 hours to Ipoh for snacks and coffee and then drive back. We thought it was a little eccentric at the time but have since learned to 'sport eat' like the locals.

Funny about Shaik. He is such a gentleman (and makes a great cendol). I'm thinking this article may spawn an Ipoh class reunion (it seems that virtually everyone went to St. Michael's).

Surprised that you can't buy Saveur in France. I think you can buy single copies on line.


Oh, yes, all Malaysians do that! It's nothing to drive hours to a particularly reputed seafood restaurant or curry mee stall for lunch, and then drive back home.

I'm sure Saveur is available in Paris and other major cities, but I live in the middle of nowhere. You're right that I could probably buy a copy online, but a very dear friend in the US has already agreed to grab a copy for me, so no worries. Thanks again for your great work! I can't wait to read the article and see your pictures, and very much hope that you'll be back in Ipoh many times!

Teri Y

A little late on the comment as I've been traveling and now catching up! Pain in the leg or what not, I just want to say that your photos are wonderful as always. Not sure how you did still manage to pull with excellent shots with discomfort in your legs. Your shots are always so real, and capturing the genuine moments of people and place (and food!).


Hi Teri - Thanks so much! Sorry to go on about the 'back thing'. I usually don't spend much time talking about myself but in this case it was a 'life lesson' that I felt I needed to document. Glad you were able to enjoy the pics despite all the dribble.

Motormouth From Ipoh

The pictures did Ipoh justice! Thanks David for the brilliant shots and revealing part of Ipoh's magic to the world.


Thanks, Motor-man! Good to see Ipoh enjoying a bit of a revival. Really a fantastic place.

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