Six days in Van. Here are some of the great people we met along the way.
One of 22 women that milk 1200 sheep, twice daily, in a village outside of Van.
A bicycle delivery man outside the Van cheese market.
A vendor of 'Turkish bananas' and a young customer.
A fellow tea drinker.
Two sisters and their somewhat shy cousins who treated us to an impromptu dinner outside Van.
Father and son cheese sellers.
Cool guy brave enough to sport all white in the dusty capital city.
A worker in the cheese market.
Ibraham, 11 years old and probably one of the most (if not the most) polite young people I've met. Just a real pleasure.
A shepherd who, along with his family was taking his sheep to summer pastures some 100km from Van city.
This man offered us a room in his home and a ferry ride to an island on lake Van. We'll have to take him up on that next time...
The guy in all white is just too cool with his Eric Estrada hair. Love the photos. I still need to work on my nerve to take portraits.
Posted by: Kristina | June 23, 2012 at 03:06 PM
Thanks, Kristina - The guy in white was a very willing subject to say the least. I photographed him in a couple of spots. He knew he looked good..hope he likes the prints.
With portraits, all you can do is ask. But yes, that is the toughest part.
Posted by: Dave | June 23, 2012 at 04:19 PM