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October 16, 2012


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Hi Dave, this is awesome!!! I grew up with all these rituals. Penang is such a great place to witness all these rich cultural events. I miss the Nine Emperor Gods Festival, please eat some vegetarian loh bak, or vegetarian roast duck on my behalf. :)


By the way Dave, have you thought about producing and shooting short films. I already know that your cinematography will be awesome, this short piece, even though still images, reminds of watching the good Christopher Doyle/Wong Kar Wai movies.


Thanks, Bee! Penang is quite the place. Looking forward to getting in the Kimberly St house.

Yes, video is in the plan for 2013 with Penang being a stage for some of those productions - stay tuned!


Awesome!! Can't wait to check out your Kimberly Street House and short films 2013. I'm rolling on the floor green with envy while kicking myself for not investing in one when it was RM500K. Oh well. Too late. :(

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